Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Television Therapy

Some times I wish I had studied something to do with human emotions. Something like psychology or at least medicine where I would maybe understand the workings of the human brain, instead I studied Economics where the closest you get to feeling anything is sympathy to the several poor you get to study about!

So considering how little I have learnt about emotions, I realise most of what I know about them, I have learnt  off T.V. So I'll share some of my lessons from my best teacher, the television:

1. Time heals pain, nothing else does - How I met your mother, When Ted had just had a break up and they all kept trying to cheer him up, well only time worked!

2. Acknowledge your pain, allow yourself to feel it then move on - Brothers and Sisters. Nora's advice to Kitty when Kitty calls in to her radio show about losing Robert.

3. Revenge can be really cool, seeing someone that hurt you, hurt at least for a while. <Almost every episode of Gossip Girl>

4. Sometimes bad stuff just has to happen - Criminal Minds <Almost every episode here but especially when Hotch loses his ex wife, still feel the pain!>

5. People always say more about what they are feeling with their actions than with their speech. Lie to me - For example someone says 'yes' while they shake their head in a 'No' motion!

Monday, January 3, 2011


Trying out my writing again, don't have a title for it yet and all I have is the prologue. Enjoy reading and constructive criticism is encouraged, Enjoy!

As she waited, she grew more anxious by the minute. Feet tapping anxiously as though to a quick beat that matched the rhythm her heart was taking. She looked at her palms, everyone said palms got sweaty when you’re scared but hers were as dry as wood, a little too dry actually, she thought making it a point to remember to do something about that. The little bench beneath her seemed to feel harder by the moment. The air was filled with anticipation. Anxiety was something Sophia was used to, or at least she liked to think so, but this was different, this was more anxiety than she could remember ever feeling! She waited, trying hard to stop tapping and then after what seemed like hours the door right in front of her swung open and she saw a seven year old dark girl slowly walk up to her with an elderly woman behind her, urging her to move along despite the little girl’s reluctance. She stood up and grabbed the little girl who was dressed as she had imagined; a pink little dress with a bow in her hair. However, she looked nothing like she had expected, her hair was extremely thick, and she was so dark, darker than any of her parents Sophia thought. Then the elderly woman spoke up “Anita, this is your new mommy, say hallo.” “Hallo” the little girl said and Sophia realized her voice was nothing like she’d expected either; it was meek and lacked any confidence. Sophia smiled at the little girl and said hallo holding the little girl close to her, meeting for the first time, the daughter she never knew she had…